Alphabet Studio

Alphabet Studio

Ensemble Theatre


Ensemble Theatre


2018 ongoing

Type of work

Brand design
Art Direction


Photography: Richard Hedger, Christian Trinder, Brett Boardman

Exciting. Extraordinary. Enlightening… Ensemble

Artistic Director, Mark Kilmurray describes Ensemble Theatre as “good plays done well… developing creative relationships with the best of writers, directors and designers, producing the best of theatre nationally and internationally, maintaining a strong education base and touring model while encouraging a new life force of emerging artists”. Alphabet has had the great pleasure of working closely with this gem of a theatre sitting proudly on the north side of Sydney Harbour. A true embodiment of their name, we have collaborated with the Ensemble team on brand identity design, website design and development, Season campaigns and end-of-financial-year video production.

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Ensemble Theatre’s brand design brief stated that the mark evoke a hand-made sensibility and strong sense of a collective – a union of makers, designers, writers, actors, directors collaborating to create and deliver memorable and relevant theatre. The identity was created as a conversation of type forms representing different voices, shapes and sizes coming together to inhabit a space. Tactile, hand generated and bespoke, the sum of parts creates a whole.

“Awesome brilliant wonderful and very exciting — as ever”

Mark Kilmurry - Artistic Director

2025 Season

Ensemble Theatre knows its audience and can boast an enormously loyal following. Mark Kilmurray’s programming is eclectic and broad. He invites audiences to be enlightened, challenged and entertained. Alphabet’s approach to art direction and image-making reflects the clear vision and positioning of the Company. Bold, honest and emotive representation of individual productions and Season offerings has developed over the years to affirm Ensemble Theatre’s impressive and important role in the Sydney theatre and arts landscape.

2024 Season

“We have had so much fantastic feedback on the brochure and whole look of the season. Thanks to the team at Alphabet – we have loved having you on board again this year.”

Loretta Busby - Executive Director

Jim of all trades

In 2024  Alphabet worked with Ensemble to conceptualise, write and direct an End of Financial Year (EOFY) campaign to encourage patrons to donate to the Theatre. This has become a common and necessary funding venture across the Arts sector. A successful EOFY campaign reinforces brand awareness and ensures a significant financial boost to support resources and facilities. Working with front-of-house personality, Jim, Alphabet produced a digital campaign reminding patrons that it takes an ensemble to produce great theatre. The campaign was an enormous success both as a brand affirmation initiative, as well as a revenue gain, the campaign delivered a 45% increase on the previous year’s income.
