Sydney Dance CompanyDate
2023Type of work
Art Direction
Photography: Pedro Greig
Following the success of INDance, Sydney Dance Company invited Alphabet to work with them on Rafael Bonachela’s new work, SOMOS. The Spanish title, SOMOS translates in English to WE ARE. The beautiful piece was performed at Walsh Bay in the round. The audience is positioned in such a way that they surround the dancers as they perform.
Alphabet delivered the campaign identity and full suite of marketing assets, creating animations and editing footage. The visual communication harmoniously reflected the nuance, ethos and narrative of SOMOS.
The nature of the title SOMOS provided a palindrome to work with. As if looking in a mirror, the content of Bonachela’s choreography, the nature of the audience seated to face each other and the configuration of the letter forms spelling out SOMOS – the concept of reflection is central to all.
Working with photographer Pedro Greig’s abstract and amorphous images, an integrated and adaptive title treatment was developed based on symmetry and reflection. Fluid animated sequences dance with the footage as the title closes in on itself, only to reappear in synergy with the reveal of the dancers’ abstracted body shapes were all considered factors in the campaign identity.